Monday, May 21, 2012

Kelas Ubat Penyahcacing pada Kambing

Assalamu'alaikum Wrmbth, as time goes by searching and browsing the internet as demonstrated by hunger driven goats with four stomach, we would certainly stumble upon information that will be an opposite side of the one you believed in. On the mean time, just browse through and may be one day  I wll reach the enlightenment level . Insyaallah Umber:

Dewomers are chemicals, or drugs, that have been evaluated and tested for effectiveness and safety for use in animals to remove worm parasites. For the most part, pharmaceutical companies will not market a dewormer unless it is essentially 100 percent effective. As long as dewormers remain effective at the manufacture’s recommended dosage, control is relatively easy and cost- effective. However, resistance to almost all dewormers has been developed by many worm species. Therefore, reliance on the use of dewormers has become limited. Only FDA-approved dewormers (see Classes) can be used legally without restrictions. All other dewormers, if used, are extra-label and are subject to specific regulations as outlined by the FDA. Because of public concern over food product residues and environmental contamination with chemicals that may be harmful, the FDA has recently revised the rules and regulations governing use of chemicals in food-animal production. In summary, producers and veterinarians have to pay attention to extra-label use, which means using a product for a purpose other than what it was approved for. Because goats are a relatively minor livestock species, pharmaceutical companies cannot recover the costs that would be incurred for them to pursue approval and labeling. For a veterinarian to use a dewomer extra-label, a valid veterinarian-client relationship is necessary. The veterinarian has to have contact with the animals and make a diagnosis that the parasite situation is potentially life-threatening. The veterinarian has to establish that none of the approved dewormers will work through fecal egg count reduction testing (See Smart Use of Dewormers). Once the approved dewormers have been tested and if none works, then other dewormers can be used extra-label. Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) provides the recommendations on the dosage and withdrawal times for commonly used dewormers. The veterinarian has to take responsibility for prescribing the dewormer, and the producer has to take responsibility for using it properly. In the absence of a valid veterinarian-client relationship, the producer is restricted and cannot legally use an unapproved product extra-label.


The three general classes of dewormers are benzimidazoles, imidazothiazoles and macrolides. The more commonly used benzimidazole dewormers are fenbendazole (Safeguard, Panacur) and albendazole (Valbazen); imidazothiazole dewormers are levamisole (Levisol, Tramisol) and morantel tartrate (Rumatel); and macrolide dewormers are ivermectin (Ivomec) and moxidectin (Cydectin). Of these, only fenbendazole and morantel tartrate are approved for use in goats. All others would be used as extra-label. A number of these dewormers have gone off-patent and are now marketed under different generic names.


Formulations of dewormers include drench, injection and pour-on. In addition, some dewormers are marketed in feed supplement blocks, mineral mixes, pellets and cubes. For goats, only the drench formulation of fenbendazole and the feed formulation of morantel tartrate are approved for use.


Oral administration is preferred; and with drenches, it is very important to make sure the product is delivered over the base of the tongue. By doing so, the dose is delivered to the rumen where it will be mixed with the ingesta and then distributed evenly throughout the gastrointestinal tract. If the dose is delivered into the front part of the mouth, the animal may spit all or part of it out, and the swallowing reflex may stimulate closure of the esophageal groove, causing the product to bypass the rumen. When the rumen is bypassed, the dose goes directly into the omasum (third stomach) and moves quickly through the gastrointestinal tract, thus not allowing sufficient time for the anthelmintic to achieve full effectiveness. The other form of oral administration is in feed products, which does not ensure that all animals will receive an effective dose because individual animals utilize these products differently. Some animals eat more or less than others due to their appetite, their place in the pecking order or their distaste for the formulation -- specifically supplement blocks and mineral mixes. Although it is not recommended to do so, if one elects to use injectable products , injections are subcutaneous and best administered in an area of exposed skin, usually under the front legs, so that it's possible to see the dose being delivered. It is best to not "tent" the skin. Just lay the needle on the skin and insert it quickly. If the skin is tented, the needle may come out the other side and the injected material will be administered on the skin surface. If the injection is given in an area covered by hair, it can be difficult to ensure that the needle actually penetrates the skin and the dose is delivered appropriately. Sometimes the injected material will run back out of the needle hole, so make sure to press a finger over the injection site for a few seconds to prevent leakage. If one elects to use a pour-on product, which is also not recommended, the material has to be delivered on to the skin. Parting of the hair may be necessary to achieve this, particularly if the hair is long. There are mixed reports as to whether pour-ons, approved for use in cattle only, work on goats. For the most part, they do not seem to be that effective in goats.


The major problem encountered in controlling nematode parasitism in goats is the resistance that many worm populations -- specifically H. contortus --have developed to essentially all of our dewormers. Resistance has developed primarily because dewormers have been used and rotated too frequently and many times under-dosing occurs. Continuing to use such a dewormer will increase the selection of more resistant worms which will eventually result in a population of "superworms" that can’t be controlled with drugs. There is no silver bullet one can rely upon. Resistance is genetically controlled, and once established, it is set in the population, and those dewormers can no longer be used effectively.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kambing VS Babi dan Jual Beli VS Riba

Assalamu'alaikum Wrmth, tajuk posting kali ni bukan nak mencarut tetapi perbandingan umum. Kes pertama Kambing lawan Babi. Kes kedua Jual Beli lawan Riba'.

Baik, orang malaysia ni majoriti islam keturunan. Jadi rata-rata kita tahu makanan halal dan haram. Kambing halal di makan manakala babi haram hukumnya disentuh apalagi dimakan. Bila lihat je makhluk berkaki 4 berhidung besar ni ramai yang boleh termuntah jika mengetahui mereka termakan secara tidak sengaja. Persoalannya, kenapa kita loya babi itu haram tetapi banyak benda lain dalam islam kita langgar saja. Cuba kita perhatikan, kambing dan makhluk kedua ni berkaki empat, 1 kepala dan berekor. kedua2 makhluk ini bersifat sama dari rupa fizikalnya. Tetapi mengapa kambing halal dan babi haram? Dari rupa luaran jika kita tidak rujuk alquran sudah tentu orang tak persoalkan kenapa babi itu haram.

Kes kedua pula, jual beli lawan riba'. Sedih tambah haru, ramai orang kita boikot produk patuh syariah perbankan islam dan menyokong produk berasaskan riba'. Alasan mereka perbankan islam tidak cukup islam dan hanya klon perbankan riba'. Kalau kita lihat dari kiraan memanglah sama. Lebih mengecewakan  kakitangan bank sendiri tidak tahu apa beza riba' dengan jual beli. Penat2 saja panel penasihat syariah menyemak semua polisi pelaburan dan penyimpanan bank tapi kita yang tak tahu apa2 dan jahil ni lebih sudu dari kuah. Ada seorang kakitangan bank mengatakan beza antara kaedah islam dan riba' hanya pada akad saja (macam kahwin gitu) tetapi sedarkah anda beza antara eorang islam dengan bukan islam adalah pada akad juga. Perkara ini kena lihat isi dan bukan rupa luaran. Disebalik kiraan islamik, terdapat prinsip dan undang2 berlandaskan hadis dan alquran disebaliknya. Inilah yang digelar "form over substances". Jika orang bank sendiri tidak faham, maka kasihanlah orang awam ni. Ketahuilah bahawa golongan pemberi pinjam, peminjam, penulis perjanjian, saksi akan dipertangungjawabkan kelak atas dosa riba sama seperti menjual arak. Allah menghalalkan jual beli dan mengharamkan riba' dan ini jelas dalam kerajaan.

Marilah bersama-sama kita menuntut ilmu tuan2. Tanpa ilmu amal ibadah kita tidak akan diterima. Tanpa ilmu sebarang pekerjaan juga kurang berhasil, samalah seperti menternak kambing. Mungkin jika keadaan ini diteruskan, tidak menjadi suatu yang aneh untuk mereka menyembelih khinzir untuk aqiqah kerana tanpa ilmu ataupun menolak apa yang ada didalam al-quran. Semoga saya tidak hidup lagi untuk melihat perkara sedemikian. Sebenarnya saya marah dengan orang bank kerana menghasut keluarga dekat saya sendiri untuk mengambil pinjaman riba' berbanding islamik dengan alasan ramai pak haji dan lebai pun guna perbankan riba' dan perbankan islam sama saja dengan konvensional. Buat pihak terbabit, tunggulah pengadilan depan Allah SWT nanti. Dosa riba' jangan buat main2, Allah dan rasulnya isytiharkan perang pada mereka yang berterusan memakan riba' setelah diberi peringatan tau.

Tanggungjawab kita didunia adalah tegur menegur jika ada diantara kita yang melakukan kesilapan. Didunia inilah hubungan kekeluargaan membawa makna, jika seorang anak ingin memberi nasihat kepada ayah dan ibunya maka lakukankanlah kewajipan anda sekarang kerana akan tiba hari dimana tiada pembelaan dan bantuan akan memberi manfaat melainkan Allah SWT. Malah, ada kemungkinan mereka akan cuba mengheret kita bersama dihadapan Allah SWT kerana tidak mengingatkan mereka. Sesungguhnya setelah anda melakukan kewajipan anda memberi nasihat tetapi jika mereka memilih untuk tidak mengendahkannya, sesungguhnya kita telah berlepas diri daripada mereka atas kesalahan tersebut. Wallahu'alam

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Albendazole dan Ubat Cacing

Assalamu'alaikum Wrmbth, Beberapa hari yang lepas, seekor kambing di kandang kami telah terkena cirit birit yang teruk. Keadaan ini berlarutan selama 2 hari dan selepas langkah2 seperti memberi makan kambing tersebut dengan daun2 tinggi kandaungan condensed tannin tidak memberi tanda2 pemulihan, nampak gayanya terpaksa juga menggunakan ubat cacing. Ini kes kronik, saudara alwi juga sarankan pemberian ubat cacing.

Jadi ubat cacing dalam simpanan saya salah satunya adalah ALBENDAZOLE. Ubat jenis ini diambi secara oral dan merupakan sebatian terampai didalam pelarutnya dengan kata lain suspension type. Sebelum menggunakan ubat ini, penting bagi kita mengetahui berat kambing tersebut kerana daripada botol ubatan terbabit 1ml/25kg. Satu lagi, jangan lupa goncang botol tersebut kerana bahan terampai akan mendap didasar botol kerana sudah lama disimpan. Tarikh luput ubat juga harus diambil perhatian. ALBENDAZOLE tidak boleh digunakan pada kambing bunting.

Selepas pemberian ubat, saya bagi kambing ni makan banyak-banyak dan bekalan air secukupnya kerana pada hemat saya kambing kehilangan air dan makanan kerana penyakit ini. Tetapi ini berlawanan dengan nasihat seorang penternak dikawasan saya supaya menghentikan pemberian air jika kambing tersebut cirit birit. Mana satu harus saya ikut? Jika untuk manusia, semasa diarrea, cholera atau cirit biri badan hilang banyak air jadi perlu banyak bekalan air. Jika tidak badan akan terhidrasi, jadi saya pun pandai2lah aplikasikan nasihat doktor manusia pada kambing. Alhamdulillah, kali ini berkesan. Tuan2 penternak boleh berkongsi pengalaman lain dalam menangani cirit birit pada kambing ini? Terima kasih banyak2.