Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pencuri Harta Negara

Assalamu'alaikum Wrmbth kepada semua, selamat berpuasa diucapkan. Hari ni terbaca artikel daripada DQfarm yang menternak ayam. Artikel tentang orang luar yang merompak harta intelek negara dan menyatakan itu milik mereka. Sila baca sedikti sebanyak boleh memberi renungan yang baik kepada kita. Kalau kita tak tuntut milik kita, orang lain akan curi. Link asal

Useful Plants At The Farm - Lemba

Lemba or curculigo latifolia is native to Malaysia. We grow them at the farm to preserve them.
lemba, curculigo latifolia, curculin, artificial sweetener, natural sweetener, taste-modifying protein, lemba,
lemba, curculigo latifolia, curculin, artificial sweetener, natural sweetener, taste-modifying protein, lemba,
It has tiny, bright yellow flowers
They have fibers that can be used to make ropes and textiles.
lemba, curculigo latifolia, curculin, artificial sweetener, natural sweetener, taste-modifying protein, lemba,
lemba, curculigo latifolia, curculin, artificial sweetener, natural sweetener, taste-modifying protein, lemba,
A rope made from the fibre. Strong enough for farm use.
lemba, curculigo latifolia, curculin, artificial sweetener, natural sweetener, taste-modifying protein, lemba,
The Ibans use the fibre to make a textile called 'pua'
And most importantly, they have a taste-modifying protein which changes plain water and sour drinks to sweet. Japanese researchers have patented the protein.
lemba, curculigo latifolia, curculin, artificial sweetener, natural sweetener, taste-modifying protein, lemba,
Bunch of lemba fruits

lemba, curculigo latifolia, curculin, artificial sweetener, natural sweetener, taste-modifying protein, lemba,
The tiny taste-modifying fruits
Foreign researchers coming into Malaysia should be required to sign an agreement to share patent-rights and commercial benefits with the people of Malaysia as represented by the Government.  
It is ridiculous and maddening to hear foreign researchers write that they have discovered that the plant can modify the taste of sour drinks to sweet when it is most likely the case that the local people told them about the plant and it is something the local people have known for generations.
We have numerous emails, some frenetic, wanting this herb and that herb etc. from researchers local and foreign.  I am sorry, I won't even bother to answer your email unless at the outset you declare that all research findings, etc will be shared, and in the event of patents, commercial profits,  etc., to be share with an institution of our choosing.
Jadi, perkara yang sama pernah saya sebut sebelum ini, boleh jadi satu hari nanti akan ada orang claim kambing katjang dan banyak lagi khazanah alam kita sebagai milik mereka dengan mempatenkan. Tapi apa tindakan pihak berwajib dalam menghalang perkara ni berlaku. Hmmm.. macam banyak berpeluk tubuh saja.. apapun selamat berbelanja dengan berhemah dengan bonus raya aidilfitri. Ramai lagi orang susah diluar sana tak cukup makan. Jangan lupa juga tingkatkan mutu perkhidmatan, jangan asyik nak naik gaji mintak itu mintak ini.

 Bulan puasa ni, dalam kita bermewah dengan makanan ramai saudara seagama dan seakidah dicuri hak mereka, palestin iraq, syria dan myanmar. Silap hari bulan lepas ni Malaysia pula. Tak mustahil.. Nau'zubillahimin zalik

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