Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mastitis Pada Kambing

Assalamu'alaikum Wrmbth, Penyakit mastitis pada kambing menurut pembiak kambing berpengalaman merupakan salah satu penyebab utama penurunan prestasi sesuatu ladang kambing kerana input yang tinggi daripada segi masa dan tenaga. Induk (Dam) kambing akan menjadi kurang sihat dan terpaksa direhatkan daripada menyusukan anaknya. Anak kambing terpaksa disusukan menggunakan botol dan mengambil masa dan tenaga penternak.

Akibat buruk lain ialah memutuskan naluri semulajadi kambing disusukan dengan susu botol untuk bersama kawanan kambing malah lebih teruk mewujudkan kebergantungan secara berlebihan kepada manusia. Kambing akan mejadi lebih manja dan kurang silaturahim pada ibunya. (hehe)

Cara mengubati Mastitis adalah melalui suntikan Antibiotik jangkapanjang (1-2 dos).Terima kasih kepada artikel revised introduction to alwigoatfarm untuk input berguna ni.

The major portion of a doe's udder is comprised of the cistern areas where  milk is stored. The amount of glandular or milk secreting tissue is relatively small and is positioned high in the udder against the body wall. Bacteria, which gain entrance to the gland through the teat opening, multiply and migrate to the
glandular tissue where they cause inflammation. Most mastitis seen in dairy goats is the result of staphylococcal infection spread from the infected glands of other goats by the milking process. Streptococcal and mycoplasma  infections, though less frequent, are spread in the same manner. Boils of the gland can also be spread from goat to goat and may be precipitated by butting or bruising of the udder or injuries causing breaks in the skin. Other forms of  mastitis are occasionally seen.
Signs of acute mastitis are severe and include swelling, heat, and pain of the affected side with a characteristic change from a normal milk secretion to a watery, yellow, or gargety secretion. The other form, chronic mastitis, may not be easily recognized. A little garget in the first stream of milk, reduced
production on one side, an unbalanced udder, reduced solids on test or a salty flavor all are signs of a low-grade mastitis infection. Suspicions of a chronic mastitis infection can be confirmed by examination of the cell content of the milk, using the California Mastitis Test (CMT), and from a bacterial culture of
a milk sample submitted to the laboratory.
Sanitation at milking time is the single most important step in preventing  mastitis. Before milking, the teats and milker's hands should be disinfected in a 25 ppm iodine solution or 200 ppm chlorine solution and dried well with toweling. Teats should be dipped immediately after milking. Leaving one good squirt of milk in each teat also helps reduce mastitis.
Treatment: The treatment of mastitis in goats may not always be satisfactory, because the organisms causing mastitis in goats are among the most difficult to kill with medication.  the best Natural treatment, is to give 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar, twice daily. Add the following herbs to the animals diet. Mix any or all of the following, and give one handful of the mix, twice daily, for 7 days.  Thyme, Garlic, Rosemary, Oregano, Sage, Mustard seeds.
Public health significance: Questions always arise as to the safety of  mastitis milk for human consumption. Milk which does not appear normal or which has drug residues should never be used for human consumption.

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